How SEO and Cybersecurity is related

Himanshu Vohra
3 min readDec 6, 2020

Website sufferers hundreds of attacks every day. These attacks can directly impact the SEO of an organization. Search specialists can grow complacent. Marketers often get locked into a perception of what SEO is and begin to overlook what SEO should be.

Some companies have big SEO teams that take care of all involved SEO responsibilities such as keyword research, content strategy, link building, negative SEO, penalization analysis and recovery, and much more. This is because the higher your rank on google, the more would be the chances of your products and services to be discovered in the market.

But the truth is, a lot of businesses have yet to grasp the importance of securing their digital assets. Until now, establishing on-site vulnerabilities has been considered a different skillset than SEO. But it shouldn’t be. Website security is often neglected when discussing long-term digital marketing plans. But in reality, it could be the signal that sets you apart. Ask yourself, when was the last time cybersecurity was discussed during your SEO site audit or strategy meeting?

How does website security affect SEO?

Regardless of HTTPS certification, research shows that most websites will experience an average of 112 attacks per day. What’s more, as much as 61 percent of all internet traffic is automated — which means these attacks do not discriminate based on the size or popularity of the website in question.

How can you protect yourself?

These are the following guidelines that you can adopt in order to protect yourself from cyber threats:


Web security affects everyone. If the correct preventative measures aren’t taken and the worst should happen, it will have clear, lasting consequences for the site from a search perspective and beyond. When working intimately with a website, client, or strategy, you need to be able to contribute to the security discussion or initiate it if it hasn’t begun.

If you’re invested in a site’s SEO success, part of your responsibility is to ensure a proactive and preventative strategy is in place, and that this strategy is kept current. The problem isn’t going away any time soon. In the future, the best SEO talent — agency, independent, or in-house — will have a working understanding of cybersecurity.

As an industry, it’s vital we help educate clients about the potential risks — not only to their SEO but to their business as a whole.


  • OSINT Framework
  • SecurityTrails



Himanshu Vohra

Making Ideas Happen! | Ex CEO | Co-Founder | Board Member | Startup Advisor | Mentor | Writer | AVP - Cybersecurity and Business Growth